Billy sunday biography 1862 battle

Billy sunday biography preacher!

Billy sunday biography 1862 battle

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  • William Ashley Sunday (November 19, 1862 – November 6, 1935) was an American athlete and religious figure who left a promising baseball career to embrace Christianity. Not content to be a member of the religious "flock," he apprenticed himself to J.

    Wilbur Chapman (a well-regarded itinerant preacher), gradually developed his own theological perspective, homiletic skill and preaching style, and eventually became the most celebrated and influential evangelist in America during the first two decades of the twentieth century.

    Sunday sponsored popular religious revivals and other missionary campaigns in America's largest cities, preaching to tens of thousands and (not incidentally) making a great deal of money in the process. It is estimated that, over the course of his career, he addressed more than a million people, meaning that he may have personally preached the Christian gospel to more people than any other person in history up to that time.

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